Musician Testimonials
Chris, Just a few additional comments on the Gliga I purchased last August -- it's turning out to be a truly wonderful instrument... and it's now starting to really open up! Each day that passes, it's getting richer and warmer... and I truly love it. My violin teacher owns instruments valued at over $100,000. He did put a different bridge on my Gliga -- and moved the soundpost just a bit. He also suggested I use Infield Titanium strings... but other than that, he says it is a fine instrument... and that he can see no reason why I should need to upgrade in the near future, perhaps not ever... So I thought I'd pass along my thoughts -- do know that I am passing the Gliga name along with praise... and if I ever do upgrade, it will more than likely be in the Gliga family!
Hello Chris, This past weekend I had the chance to play Ave Maria on my left-handed (Guarneri) maestro and it was sheer delight to play such a beautiful sounding and looking instrument, I will cherish this violin for life. It has a richer sound that projects more than the Gem-1 model and the color tone of the maestro appears to glow under natural light as it shows off the wonderful grain. I have named my two left-handed violins, the Gem-1 is used for practicing and call it "Defiant" and the Gliga Maestro will only be used for select music pieces and I call it "IL Rapimento (The Rapture)". I cannot express enough, how thankful I am that Gliga Violins makes such a high quality maestro left-handed violin. Thank you to the entire staff at Glida Violins world-wide. Thanks, Brian (beginner left-handed violinist)
Chris, I've recieved my new Gama (A9679) and I want to let you know that it is wonderful. The sound is complex and I would describe it as 'delicious' like a fine wine. I am confident that this one will age wonderfully and grow with me for years. Please pass on my compliments to Vasile and his crew back in Romania. They can be proud of their work. All the best, Chuck Pederson
Hello Chris, My Gems 1 arrived last Thursday and today I had my instructor evaluate the instrument. It is a winner! She really likes it and so do I. You helped me decide between 2 violins and I selected A9420. It is beautifully made and finished. It sounds terrific. The case, bow and rosin included are also of high quality. Your company offers a fine instrument at an affordable price. Thank you. Best Regards, Marty Welt
Hi Chris You asked me (in April) to let you know what I thought of the 5 string violin and carbon fiber bow I bought from you. Well, I reckon I've been using it enough to know now, both for folk and a little jazz/standards work, so thought I would. I'm really enjoying the 5 string (and not having to cart around a viola as well as a violin :) ). It took me a while to get accustomed to it, but now that I am, I am really impressed. Lovely sound, even across all the strings and a pleasure to play. I still have to look occasionally to work out which string I'm playing on ... which says a lot about the evenness of tone and ease of playing I reckon. :) The carbon fiber bow I'm also enjoying. Again, once I worked out that I needed to use it differently (ie tighten it a lot less than I'm used to), it's a pleasure - more controllable and a more even sound. Many thanks :)
Hi Chris, I ended up purchasing the Genova 2 and I love the violin! It looks exactly like the picture (beautiful), the tone across all four strings are even, strong, and very clear in high positions. I can't wait to 'grow' into this violin over the next few years and see the sound mature even more. Thanks for everything! - Kevin
Chris -- The violin arrived about 20 minutes ago -- and I'm loving it!! The strings are just getting settled in -- and I know it will take a bit to wake up -- but I'm loving what I'm hearing already! THANK you for the wonderful instrument. I will be upgrading again in a year or so -- and I will surely consider a Gliga Professional or Maestro model at that time! Carol Purcell Rochester, Minnesota
Hi Chris, I must say that I'm loving my Gliga Genova. The richness of tone and the depth of its timber are mesmerizing. I have never played so warm and forgiving an instrument. I am thoroughly pleased and indebted to the craftsmanship, service, and professionalism of you and Gliga. Thank you! Now, however, I must name this beautiful instrument, and before her debut in the orchestra, I'd love to establish her title. I'd like to name her, "The Princess," and I was wondering if you could help me with this. Because I am so utterly impressed with my violin, I'd like her name to be in Romanian. My next question, then, is quite obvious. I've searched many, many online translators, and have narrowed the name down; however, I am not sure how to use the article "the" correctly. "Printesa," I believe, would be the version that I want...or is it "Principesa"? Either way, I'm not quite sure how "the" princess would appear in Romanian. Thanks again, Brian Doe
Dear Chris! Now our son has played on his new Gliga maestro violin for a couple of weeks. It's a beautiful, nice sounding violin and we are very satisfied. This is actually his third Gliga violin (the first one we bought was a professional 1/8 in 2005 and the second a maestro in 2006). To buy a violin over the internet without testing it might of course be a big risk but we have been more than satisfied each time. It's fantastic that these nice violins are built in small sizes so that children have the opportunity to play on good sounding instruments. Many thanks and Merry Christmas! Inger Dalene Sweden
Hello Chris, I told you already I'm the "proud owner" of 5 "Gliga" violins (and one "Hora"...) nothing for the Guinness book at all of course... but I have to say all these violins have of course a family resemblance (among them there is a professionnal "feel the grain") they are all nice, good looking, excellent craft work and it's always a great pleasure to have them in hand - dare I say the soft varnish has something sensual - and of course to play them; but the SUA remains the champion. I don't know why. Maybe it's the model or should i say made the best choice for me or simply I've been lucky ! Anyway, I'm not insane, believe me, when I say that I love your violins for their beautiful appearance (keep your secret secret about varnishing just carry on doing so) and for their sound, smooth, mellow and brilliant at once, for , yes : it exists a "Gliga-sound" which I do like especially. I tried several string sets, "Evah Pirazzi", "Obligato", Corelli Alliance with the different violins that I have. For the SUA you made the perfect choice with the "Dominant" Thank you again for all that Best regards Rene
I received this beautiful GEMS1 on Oct 30. Thank you for the quick service, allowing me to spend much of the weekend getting familiar with it. Its tone and responsiveness is superior to many violins I've tried at over twice its price. The slightest touch of the bow causes it to quietly sing and resonate with every note played. It is a welcome and drastic upgrade to the (very nice) Hoffman Etude it is replacing. As a fairly new violinist (less than a year), I care very much about what a given instrument can teach me. The responsiveness of this instrument has helped me identify imperfections in my bowing that were almost undetectable on my last violin. A thousand thanks for allowing me to chance to own such a work of art. Only one this is for sure - my next instrument will also be a Gliga. Sincerely, Robert Bowles PS. Please feel free to quote or post.
Chris, That's what I needed to know about the cases. I expect many grandchildren to be using these instruments, so I will continue to use sturdier cases, but I love your violins. I just realized that I have a picture of him playing the first violin I bought from you. I am attaching it. It was his first recital. I look forward to receiving my new bow. Regards, JoAnn Schlosser