Musician Testimonials
The violin arrived last Wednesday. Please forward my compliments to your luthiers and artists. They did a fine job. My son was so pleased with the instrument that he took the fiddle to school to show the day after it arrived. He and his teacher even played a duet on fiddle and accordion for his third grade class that day. Thanks again for the special order and best regards, Joe
I just received my GEMS 2 violin - it is a wonderful instrument, and the customer service was just as good. Thanks! ...I have used other online music stores and was not satisfied, but you all delivered quality service throughout. People need to know about it!
Dear Chris, I have shown the violin to luthier (well known in Krakow, who is making instruments for philharmonic musicians) as well as to instructor of my daughter. They both approved of it. The instrument is nice, built quality is high and sound is pure. Price is reasonable, even for Polish citizen. Thank you again. Best regards, Krzysztof
Hi, my name is Alejandro, i'm from Mexico and I just want to tell you how pleased I am. I bought a gama professional violin about a month ago and I love the way the violin sounds, I really love the color, I just love it!!! It's crafted with high professionalism and It's quite great because of the very accessible price and I got a grat instrument overall. I highly recommend the gliga instruments cus' they rock :), and by the way I love the fact that a lot of people I know here in mexico are buying these great instruments, so now you can say you're also gathering a crowd of happy buyers here in Mexico. thanks a lot your friend Alejandro.
The violin arrived yesterday in perfect shape. I played it right out of the box with a bit of tuning and fell in love. It sounds like its singing! I took it to orchestra tonight and it blends perfectly with the other instruments (though sounds far better) and projects beautifully on the solo parts. I was the envy of the orchestra! Everyone I walked past gasped at the carvings and deeply flamed wood. Normally you will find a beautiful instrument and it will sound terrible then an unattractive one that sounds amazing.. this violin has the best of both worlds! I am most certain that I am keeping this amazing instrument. Not only is this an amazing work of art, but it has a sound to match! Thank you for all your wonderful help and the SUPER fast shipping! I recommended you to everyone I know. Thanks again, I am so pleased with your customer service, finally, a kind and honest violin dealer! Rebecca
Hi, I received my new violin today. I played it for 2 hours and finally had to put it down because my arm hurt. It sounds wonderful and full. It feels good in my hands and the workmanship is outstanding. I am so pleased. I spent many hours on the computer searching for a new violin. I studied a lot of violins and their makers and decided on you and I am happy I did. Tomorrow night I go to orchestra practice and I am anticipating many comments on my violin. Thank you and thank your craftsmen. I will treasure this fine instrument and enjoy many hours of playing and knowing it. Thank you again. Pete Teresavage
Dear Chris, I received the violin yesterday via DHL (very fast delivery) and wanted to tell you that I was very impressed with it. I am still only a beginner but after having a lesson this summer in NY and hearing my teacher's violin, I knew there was a better quality of tone that I should expect to hear and produce. I have actually been searching for a left-handed violin for quite a while. As a starter violin I had my grandfather's violin from the 1920's in a Cremona style. I turned everything around and got some good sound out of it, but knew I really needed a left-hand. I tried to play right-handed, but it seems for me this is not correct. I priced some luthiers in the US and the cost was really prohibitive at this stage of my playing level. I found your site under google and read all the testimonials on your violins and finally decided to purchase. The sound I hear is what I describe as rich, warm and dark. The project! ion is much more than what I was getting out of my other violin. Basically, Chris it just feels like it was made for me. Thank you so much for selling such a wonderful violin. I'm very happy with it already. Can't wait to go home from work today and play! Sincerely, GB
Chris- I have not responded to you since I received my violin outfit several weeks ago, but believe me it is not because I am unsatisfied. I bought the violin, a gems 1, from you as a graduation present for myself. I had about two weeks off, in which I was graduating from one college, and moving on to another and it was during that short break that I ordered from you. I have finally found a minute to spare, and wanted to write you a note to tell you how very pleased I was and am with my violin. It is beautiful, and has a wonderful sound. I have been enjoying it greatly! I am so glad I chose to buy from you, I was not disappointed, I was delightfully shocked. Again, I want to thank you for your patience, and all your wonderful customer service as well. You were prompt, patient, and very responsive. Thank you so much!!!!! --Karyn Peterson
Hello .. I just wanted to thankyou again for the 1/10 violin we purchased for our daughter! We have seen lots of violins as our daughters grew into bigger sizes...... but this gems2 violin surpasses many of the well known brands in tone and appearance! SO glad I took a chance and ordered online. Your testimonials and feedback encouraged me... 5lilpunkins
Hi Chris, Thanks so much for getting back to me. Thank you also again for your helpful information, for the case, and... well, everything! I took the violin in to a luthier today and he was very impressed. I haven't had a chance to leave feedback yet (I haven't had much time on ebay), but when I get around to it, I will certainly be leaving glowing feedback. I was a little apprehensive about buying online, but I'm glad that my research pointed me in your direction. I'm sure we might be buying future violins from you, when the time is right. Best regards, Laura
I wish that I could go out and update the EBay response I left to be more positive in content. Thanks for the great product and above and beyond service. We'll see if we can send more business your way from others in our church and Christian school. Thanks again!! Charles Lonaberger
I am a semiprofessional violist. I do a few play for pay jobs throughout the year with a couple of orchestras here in the northeast Arkansas area. I want to preface this message with the information that I purchased a very fine George Rums viola some 35 years ago; I remember I had a hard time scraping up the money as a financially struggling university student. That viola, worth a couple of thousand dollars in 1969, has served me wonderfully over all the years. Last year I decided I should have a second viola, as a back up. This would not be a fine instrument, but a modestly priced one just in case an occasion should arise that I was having work done on my Rums. I wanted something that I could get by with. Your Gems 1 line looked as though it would serve my purpose well, so I purchased one of the 16.5 violas. Over the past year, I have put in quite a few practice hours on the Gems 1 viola, trying out different sets of strings on it to help it find its voice. Right now it is strung with Pirastro Obligatos. I want you to know that your $478 Gems 1 viola has *replaced* my considerably more expensive George Rums instrument (which is an excellent one) as my first viola. I played a highly challenging and technically demanding concert just this afternoon with a semiprofessional concert orchestra; works by Mozart, Rossini, Lalo, and Elgar; and I chose to use my Gems 1 instead of my Rums. It delivers such a warm yet carrying sound, and is incredibly responsive throughout its range of dynamics and positions. I have no reservations at all about using it in a viola section with professional players with highly expensive instruments surrounding me. Today I received compliments on my contribution to the section after the performance was finished. I know you sell your Gliga and Gama lines of instruments for advanced to professional players. I have not played either of those lines, so I can only imagine how they must compare to my lesser priced Gems 1 instrument. I just wanted to tell you that I have been pleasantly amazed over the past year at what one of your economy instruments is capable of delivering; obviously it yields performance standards that meet or exceed those of more highly priced instruments by other makers. If my Gems 1 viola is typical of all your instruments in that line, then the Gems 1 instruments are most assuredly capable of taking their places respectably even in professional groups. Murray Therrell Paragould, AR